>>48840408 You know what's the most fucked up thing about all of this obvious psycho-shit trully is dear Anon?
That annoyingly cringe AlolaTales larper in his infinite retardation about his self-imposed anti-PokeFucker crusade would probably side himself alongside the sadistic freaks like the Articunofag in a heartbeat, since his childhoods weekly dose of mental-rape forced by his parents upon him regarding their preffered variety of DesertManual teachings made him fully accept the unreasonable standard that humans can do literally anything with the soulless beasts existing in this mortal realm only for their subjugation and exploitation - just for our own enjoyment and profits, EXCEPT the one naughty thing the invisible formless-yet-said-to-be-bearded-and-white-haired MagicSkyHobo allegedly told its ChosenPeoples™ to do between a Man and Woman only after they get married…
And I do understand this notion, because lets get real for once - all those joked-about TaurosBurgers just HAVE TO come from somewhere afterall, exactly like MooMooMilk in a way…
I still detest you '"dear"' Galarian - merely for being a Commie right noe, but keep in mind you havent given me a reason to trully be abrorred just by your pressence itself - beyond contempt or hatred…
I Hope you understand what I meant there, but just to be sure Ill ask again:
Please be a good socialist and hand over the 'science journals' for the general publics "enjoyment" - all information wants to be free afterall, and I know the one thing all communists were always big with was mandatory mass-education of their proles with the illogical shit they peddled without believing it themselves secretly