People from both 4chan and the facebook group were asking about the donation thing last times, so I'll tell you about our situation in that regard:
>I did a paypal page because people asked me to, not because I wanted to make money out of this lovely activity. (that's for you, Dragonite!)>the paypal is under a fake name, Hakim Loiseau, not because I'm planning to leave with your money but for obvious legal reasons(that's for you, Nintendo!)
>our balance is still at $0.60, which is surprising considering how many sweet dudes were wishing to give money(that's for you, people who wanted to donate!)
>this money will only be used yo enhance your distroing experience.(that's for you, Blizzard/Microsoft/etc!)
sooo here is the link.¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedOn another note this is the team I've prepared for next wifi tournament.