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Pokemom Black 2 Nuzlocke.
>after restocking on potions i leave town
>towards the gym
>"it's normal so it won't be that hard"
>moltres hair dude pops up again
>gives me some berries
>keep track of them,they'll be important
>go into gym
>nothing note-worthy,only some scary crits,but berries pull their weight
>his patrat goes down,but with trouble
>but that lillipup
>oh god that thing
>only 1 workup and the battlefield turns into the trenches of the somme
>that fucker murders snapper and pat
>rest now my companions
>send lucky
>they're speed tied
>that fucker get's a crit
>lucky survives with 1 hp and eats the berry
>my bite flinches him
>i win the speedtie and the battle
>get the medal and kick the fucker in the balls
>that was for snapper and pat
>get out
>blonde is out
>gah fuck
>sit through reunion
>finally they end
>go to pokecenter to give snapper and pat a proper place to rest
I've won,but at what cost /nuzgen/,at what cost