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First off, this is for wifi, and being bred in gen 6. unfortunately this means no pain split and no knock off no magic coat or what have you. I also really can't be bothered to breed for hidden power fighting.
I'm trying to make a really bulky one, most likely physically defensive. I want to pair it with pursuit slaking in singles for the mummy combo.
should I use something like Rest, sleeptalk, shadowball, WoW? Or resto-chesto to switch something else out for sleep talk. I'm also considering calm mind for max balk.
Toxic spikes seems interesting, but I think WoW would be better to burn and cripple the fighting types that could threaten slaking.
Right now the plan is I'm breeding bold ones with toxic spikes, nasty plot and disable. (I intend to giveaway most of the leftovers so I figured I'd throw a couple of egg moves on them)
help me /vp/ what Nature/Moves/Evs?
>inb4 shitty gimmick