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Seems like this half set is focused on reprinting cards from the ex era
>[R][W][C][C] Bright Flame: 200 damage? Discard 2 Energy from this Pokemon? Salamence ex has the same attack.
>Ability: Legendary Ascent
If it’s the same as Articuno ex: When you play this Pokemon to your Bench, you may switch your Active Pokemon with this Pokemon. If you do, you may also move any number of basic [W] Energy cards attached to your Pokemon to this Pokemon.
>[W] Cold Crush GX: The one on Articuno ex read, “You may discard an Energy card attached to Articuno ex. If you do, your opponent discards an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon.” However, unlike Articuno ex’s attack, Articuno-GX’s does no damage, so it won’t be the same.
>pokemon on the artwork are gen 3 or below