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I've paid a lot of money to get a 10 question email interview with Game Freak about pokemon. I have already decided on 9 of the questions but I thought it might be interesting to let /vp/ come up with one of the questions.
So fire away, I'll chose my favourite before I go to bed tonight, or from what is archived of this thread then if it 404ed.
To save time please no BF questions as I have that covered as well as questions about where regions are located in relation to each other, pokeworld years in comparison to our own and what Zinnia means in relation to parallel universes. They are also unlikely to answer questions of a lewd nature as well.
As far as I'm aware this is the first time an actual fan has done this, rather than a jobbing journalist whose knowledge of pokemon extends only as far as watching the anime when they were 12 (not surprising given how much I had to pay as well as having to pay for a translator their end) so I won't be waving around screen caps of emails or scans of letter and contracts etc in case that is used as an excuse not to do the interview.
TL;DR summary
What do you want to ask GF?