Quoted By:
Game Superboss
Steel Type
Badge is a pentaperfect Beldum, and TM would be Iron Defense
Skarmory, level 82
Empoleon, level 84
Heatran, level 86
Lucario, level 89
Aggron, level 90
Metagross, level 92
All penta/hexa, with the best natures
Pre-battle quote:
You know, there was a time that I wanted to be the very best. Be a trainer, a master, that could beat anyone who challenged me. Now I have achieved that goal. And I regret it. For on this mountain I stand, there's no peak higher. There's nothing else to conquer. Some nights, I pray that someone will take this burden from me, so I can begin again. The fire I see in your eyes...can you do it? Let's find out.
Win quote: Come on! You can do better than that! Come back once you're ready.
Loss quote:
Thank you. You have given me hope. Whenever you wish to have another battle, come find me. I'll train more, and I'll beat you.