After messing up the rocket hideout fights we rebuild the team with the eternal Masquerade, Poland, who was just caught and was really promising with their modest nature, and Reshia, who almost ends our whole career when the team lvl averaged 30.
The trainer in the gym gave us a couple scares and made us realise almost the whole team was weak to ground. Luckily, Mom knew I cant build a team for shit and sent lots of shuka berries.
But Summer gets Head Smashed by the last trainer and dies instantly. Full of grief I go into the boss fight anyway
It was a trainwreck. Abomasnow and Froslass messed us up, leaving only Reshia and Al playing tag just to change which attack the former could use (she had a choice band) After froslass is taken care off the rest of his team die to Low Kicks.
>>43366251Give me a hug Anon, I don't know how to go on. Congrats on your victory against Archer. Btw I hope Jasmine enjoys that Wurmple. Wouldnt it be Awesome if she used the mon you traded her against you?
>>43365792At least you can feel the pain, anon. I'm growing numb. the only things that keep me going are the hopes of seen Pupitar evolve and finding a Sneasel.