>>51308114Vespiquen vs Swalot: vespiquen can just hit swalot with attack order, swalot does not have reliable recovery so it can't heal more than it can take. Vespiquen wins
Gallade vs Wailord: Gallade hits the whale with a neutral CC and either kills it if banded, or leaves it so damaged that water spoit will do negative damage, on top of the fact that waillord does not have the best attacking stats and gallade has the special bulk to take a hit. Gallade wins
Gallade vs Vespiquen: CC is 4x SE so Gallade is the easy winner
Avalugg vs Raichu: raichu can hit it with a neutral tbolt and almost kill it, avalugg has a 50% chance to kill raichu with Avalanche but if raichu chooses to use Sash to get around Avalugg's Sturdy, Raichu wins.
Absol vs Fearrow: CB return kills absol, but CB adamant sucker has a 81% chance to kill fearrow instead. we'll go for Absol here.
Avalugg vs Absol: CB Jolly sucker punch kills raichu, Absol is the clear winner here.
Absol vs Gallade: Gallade can play around sucher punch with sub, and it can afford to go full hp full speed jolly since uninvested psycho cut always kills it and 252 hp gallade can take a jolly LO sucker punch from full.
Gallade wins the whole thing.