Hey /vp/ Ever want to play as a Gym leader? Of course you have! Im going to organize a tournament where you play as your favourite gym leader to determine
which gym leader reins supreme!
> Each participant picks one gym leader to play as, First come first serve.> After I confirm your choice, You get to pick one of that gym leaders pre set teams to play with. > It must be a team of 5-6> Main game Teams only, no stadium.> Teams must be Gen 3 or later> Matches to be played on showdown.> Levels Set to 50> Teams with either 0 or 1 items (Fighting Dojo teams ect.) are allowed to substitute items from a PWT team> At this time gen 6 gym leaders are not available due to the obvious lack of team sets.other npcs or E4 can be added if there is demand...
Chose a set from
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gym_LeadersBrackets will be determined randomly and will be posted on
challonge.com/gymleadercupGym leaders Available: everyone except Sabrina (Reserved for anon)