>>35422449>Then. Why. The. Fuck. Are. You. Still. Defending. It.Ive stated tiem and time again the reasoning, an anon said somethign doesnt make sense ebcause so and so, and counter and reason that it could work because so and so
the intention was never about my head canon, but explaining the logic behind how a type could work in the context of pokemon. i never believed that i could actually make logical sense of a fantasy world with real world mechanics like ours, but rather that when taking into account those fantastical elements, logic doesnt have to completely adhere to a fucking video. Youre such a fucking autist how ever that you take everything at face value and cant read between the fucking lines in terms of my fucking intent
>Everyone here is telling you you're nor making any fucking sense, and you keep insisting that you have any sort of basis in this. Absolutely kill yourself already, stop posting. You derailed an entire thread for this you fucking autistic faggot.It takes two to tango samefag, if you didnt want to fuck a thread over a silly thing like a light type, then you wouldnt have continued arguing with me. so, nah, go drink bleach you low functioning autistic abortion