Just a brief little update. So last night after posting I decided to go do the little Dragon Den thing to officially be given the Rising Badge. On my way out, I fought a trainer that I missed and it turns out that Seadras also have Sniper. Bye Elayne, you helped me so much and yet you had not even reached your greatest potential yet. The crits have been terrible to me in this run. This led me to stop for the night.
However, I woke up this morning and looked at my available roster. Defeinetly some workable options but I decided to try grabbing a Natu, but ran into a Smeargle which I just don't have the energy to make even a little workable right now. Such a crap shoot for what moves I can get, lots of luck involved, it already has confuse ray which I didn't want another of, bad stats, etc.
BUT I HAVE HAD AN EPIPHANY! I don't want to say what it is cause I could be wrong, but I think I have an encounter I haven't used yet and think it would be a very funky fresh pokemon.
Happy Mother's day everyone and will update by tomorrow, if only to show you my new 6th pokemon.
>>43531486Very cool looking team. how did you get Littlefoot? Island Scan?