>Gardevoir and Lopunny are 50/50 ratio>waifufags insist they're 100% female and get triggered if you imply any males exist>these two and the Fennekin line are 87.5% male>waifufags still insist they're females-only until artists draw dicks on them, then they go on a full retard homophobe rant and cry "ess jay double-u's!!"I don't understand why waifufags feel the need to gatekeep the genders of entire species, it's not like people can't make their own pokemon whatever they want. It's all open fiction, people can make whatever pokemon whatever sex or gender they want.
You want to put a dick on Latias? Sure. You want bobs and vagene on Gallade? Go on ahead. It's fiction and nothing matters so getting angry about it is legit autistic.
>>34785591These two in particular both have the 87.5% male ratio as well
>>34790730I wish Lapras was that pink, but it's gray.