>>39195531>SabotageIt has to be that they just don't care to push themselves.
The brand; pokemon, prints money on a second by second basis, I swear.
It doesn't matter if the games are shit, they just really, really didn't try this time, but it's not because they want out, it's because they didn't think people wouldn't sop it up, they're flying blind because they figure that it always works out, everyone going crazy over the shitty rehashed new pokemon showcased for sword and shield so far are absolutely the problem, it carries the name so they can't think negatively or critically about it.
I'd give anything to find out what nintendo really thinks about this situation, I can't believe they're just quiet and complicit here in the face of everything so far.
Pokemon isn't like other rpgs, it's not a series where they just leave characters behind, especially not after working in compatibility for all monsters since the sequels to the fucking gameboy games in 2000. This man in that image is staking claim to the decision that broke one of the longest standing precedents of their series, even if it's an unwritten one: if you can't or don't catch it in the game, it's going to be there. This is a monster collect-a-thon with thin rpg gameplay where they decided to cut down on the monsters from here on out, even though we can all see that they're just rehashing everything they've already made before.
And the best he can answer with as to why, is effectively just a shrug.
It's sabotage, but it's not purposeful.
They're not going to let pokemon die, at least not as long as there's other ways to make money off of it.
When it comes to the core games, they just don't care.