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Now that it's been a week since release and most people have the movie, what Pokemon do you feel made the most convincing leap into Live action?
From what I saw, Braviary, Golurk, Pikachu and Snubbull were the definite best ones.
Next up we have Bulbasaur, Arcanine, Growlithe, Torterra, Morelull, Pangoro, Ludicolo and Mr. Mime in the Near Perfect tier. Greninja technically belongs here too because I liked his portrayal and model seeing as he's the best looking slimymon. Unfortunately his animations felt unfitting and lousy, but the rest was great.
In the nice tier we have Purrloin, Charmander, Joltik, Pancham, Bouffalant, Cubone, Treecko, Magikarp, Psyduck and maybe Sneasel.
In the ok tier we have Blastoise, Emolga, Octillery, Ditto, Charizard and Venusaur.
Everyone else either I didn't get a good look at, or they were just awkward and unfitting. I agree with the complaints about Machamp and Mewtwo feeling plastic and fake but I'd add Pidgeot to the list too. Braviary looked so much better. I don't know how they managed to make Eevee look hideous, but they sure succeeded. Flareon looks lousy but not as bad as Eevee.
Overall, most of them looked fantastic or at the very least fit into their environment and it was good to see this happen during my lifetime.