>>45425474>Where do Gardevoir gain weight on their body?I have ascertained they primarily gain weight around the midsection of their bodies.
>What do they look for in a mate, Pokemon or otherwise?From what I observed Gardevoir do not seem to possess specific tastes in appearance, as they are able to have fertile offspring with a variety of differing species in the amorphous and human-like group. It is most likely that Gardevoir check the fitness of potential mates through their psychic abilities, the specificities of which I am not certain of yet.
>What makes Gardevoir attractive to you?I find that their protective nature and tendency to develop irrational loyalty towards authority figures very useful qualities.
>Can Gardevoir be considered the most tragic Pokemon?If by that you mean, Gardevoirs have the greatest tendency to induce a feeling of sorrow and loss in those capable of it. Yes
>Do Gardevoir hold a sense of what's right and wrong? Do they understand the cost of their sacrifice considering how willing they are to save the lives of those closest to them?Gardevoir are too single-minded devoted to what they consider their "family" or "territory"
to properly hold a sense of right and wrong, it is not preposterous to assume that they do not care for what the cost of their sacrifice is.
>Would you adopt a Ralts?I am currently considering establishing an breeding colony of the Ralts evolutionary line in my temple grounds, their intelligence, psychic power and their tendency to develop irrational devotion towards their master, would be useful qualities in labourers and guardians.