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My safari has Dedenne, Swirlix, and Floette. The safari mons I don't have yet:
Normal: Mincinno, Ditto
Bug: Paras, Combee, Masquerin, Pinsir
Dark: Nuzleaf, Pawniard, Vullaby, Cacturne, Sandile, Sableye, Liepard, Inkay.
Dragon: Dragonair, Druddigon, Sliggoo.
Electric: None
Fairy: Snubbel, Togepi, Jijjlypuff, Swirlix, Clefairy
Fighting: None
Fire: Slugma
Flying: Spearow, Doduo, Tropius, Hawlucha
Ghost: Drifblim, Spiritomb, Golurk
Grass: None
Ground: Sandshrew, Nincada, Palpitoad
Ice: Delibird, Snorunt, Dewgong, Lapras
Poison: Whirlipede
Psychic: Xatu
Rock: Pupitar
Steel: Magneton, Skarmory, Forretress, Metang, Bronzing, Excadrill.
Water: Krabby, Wartortle, Quagsire.
Ditto, Snorunt, Excadrill, Skarmory, whirlipede, Sandshrew, spiritomb, and golurk would be the onea I want the most. Pls