Just beat Hau outside Melemele Meadow. Shit's going well. Ledian is a beast at this point desu, between the buffed 95 atk and Aerilate Dizzy Punch. I wonder if he can handle Totem Araquanid..
Rest of the squad is chillin. Topsy Turvy Inkay is an absolute pog for totems, providing he doesn't get oneshot. Lovin the squad overall, and have some lit backup mons.
>>43511439Good shit milkman. Keep on kicking ass. Love the quotes and comments in the notes sections of your team.
Also, I've got a snippet of custom css code if you want it that'll trim up your boxed section and get rid of the excess space at the right end of the boxes, if you want it! It's an easy copy/paste.
>>43511240Good shit. I would not want to meet Buster in a dark alley, intestinal water gun is absolutely terrifying.
>>43510395Those are some rough losses, best of luck rebuilding :( Hope your box mons can kick some ass.