Pokémon Crystal's story makes no sense.
In Pokémon Crystal, there are trainers inside the Dragon's Den. One of these trainers, Cooltrainer Cara, says that she hopes to get permission from her clan's master (Lance and Clair's grandfather) to use dragon, implying that she does not have such permission at the time. You can see that here:
https://youtu.be/ISnQBm3SJsg?t=149 [Embed] [Embed] (minute 2, second 29). This is coherent with her team composed of two (2) Horsea and one (1) Seadra. You can see her team here:
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Dragon%27s_Den. Other NPCs say similar things inside Blackthorn City's official Pokémon League gym.
HOWEVER, immediately after fighting Cooltrainer Cara, we meet Twins Lea & Pia. Twins Lea & Pia have a team composed of two (2) Dratini. Dratini is a DRAGON type pokémon. Twins Lea & Pia are toddlers, as can be seen by their sprite (see the attached image). Am I supposed to believe that two toddlers have been allowed to use DRAGON type pokémon, known for their immense power, when the remaining teens and adults of Blackthorn City have not been allowed to do so? This is complete GARBAGE and just goes to show that Pokémon Crystal was a cashgrab of the highest order.