Update 2, in which our brave hero does some sick wheelies, ups his risk for lung cancer by a horrifying amount, meets a neat looking Spinda, resolves some daddy issues, and just sorta fucks around in the ocean. Jack is overleveled to the point where I should probably start trying to avoid trainers. Finally has crunch though. Moveset in general is starting to come together. Feels good not being stuck with bite, tackle, and desperate wishes.
Mistral, our obligatory hm slave and double battle bait, managed to evolve just from occasionally being forced to participate. Congratulations, Mistral! Now hurry up and pick up some better items.
>>36708939Wouldn't be a vaguely mgr-themed run without blasting the soundtrack at every opportunity. Helps sand-attack spam feel more like parrying and less like "is this cheating? this feels like cheating.".