>>44845948The meowth example only applies to the anime which is different from the game and even so we still get scenes like this to remind us that pokemon aren't people. Consider that Mr. Mime is one of the most human looking pokemon, he's also a psychic type (and share the same type as a popular waifu pokemon) and this particular mr. mine also does chores and helps around the house. Now Ash's mom is not portrayed as a bad person, she's a kind hearted woman in the anime and doing things like this isn't a socially shameful behavior. So even in the pokemon anime they're still very much portrayed as animals irl are even if in the anime they're more humanized. In that case I view it in the same vain as scooby doo who can talk and understand humans but he's still a dog. It's clear that they want us to see pokemon in the same vain as pets and not as people.
In the games pokemon are not portrayed as in the anime and are more bestial like in nature. The fact that the dex for Lucario spells out it understand human speech makes me think that it's not something pokemon are capable of understanding. Maybe Lucario and some legendaries are capable of understanding humans but who knows to what extend.
So in short I think even in the context of the pokemon anime people would probably think of anyone finding a gardevoir or a lopunny or whatever attractive to be a perverse and degenerate individual.