Design-wise I'd have to go with Chespin and Fennekin's evolution line. Chesnaught looks really fucking dorky and Delphox looks awkward to me with the huge earfur and robes. I've been used to disappointing final stage starters since Gen 3 but those two left me especially disappointed because the Gen 6 starters were using a concept that I found to be so cool (RPG trio) and then to see it all shat on just annoyed me.
Gameplay-wise I'm just going to quote this dude
>>20547151 except add Meowstic to that since it's decent in VGC. I will specifically bitch about pic related, though. I knew straight from the start that it wasn't going to be good competitively, so I decided to use it on my in-game team because I thought it was cute, and it turned out to be a mon that even in-game sucked horribly. I've made shit like Butterfree and Beedrill work fine, but this thing just didn't pull its weight. It hits hard sure, but its too slow and its weaknesses are everywhere. No wonder the Amaura line went extinct.