>>35945839The other two decks worth mentioning are Garbodor and Greninja BREAK. Garbodor has a good matchup against both Buzzwole and psychic Necrozma, but can struggle against Zoroark if you can't parallel city its bench down. Greninja, if it doesn't jank out, can beat all 3 of the tier 1 decks but still automatically loses if they get a Giratina promo into play.
Tier 1
Tier 1.5
Zoroark Variants (Zoroark has a less auto-win matchup against Malamar than Buzzwole does against Zoroark, beast ring/babybuzz have made the Buzzwole matchup literally unwinnable where it used to be maybe 35/65)
Tier 2
Greninja BREAK
Vikavolt/Bulu (falling swiftly as Malamar kind of makes it redundant as an OHKO deck)
The power gap is so big at this point that a lot of the decks that would otherwise feel pretty playable like Ho-oh or Sylveon are actually abject garbage in the highest level play.