Well after dicking around for a bit I decided to just go for it on Blue, and won pretty easily. Same with Whitney who was rolled next thanks to Magneton walling her. The problem came right after that as the game has these "Special" trainers which are self inserts of the dev team that have high levelled pokemon and strong movesets. I wound up fighting one outside of Union Cave accidentally and they had a Level 40 Quagsire with EQ, Ice Beam, and Surf, so without any grass coverage that did me in pretty easily. So that pretty much killed my mood. Time to rebuild I guess.
>>44921693Yeah even though I just got wiped I'm going to say yes. I got baited by that trainer, and my pokemon would probably be in better shape if I wasn't challenging the gyms in a random order. I feel like if I was just going through in a straight line it would be no problem.
>>44922250It's good. The quality of life changes are okay, and the open world feel is impressive, but really the best part is the unique lines you get for the pokemon that can follow you.
>>44923798F for Linoone. Love the first route rodents.
Thanks though, wish they could have stuck around. I do like being able to access good encounters.