Quoted By:
>be playing blue way back when
>find some lass I had passed by
>she had a level 14 pidgey
>I only have a 33 pikachu
>decide I have this in the bag, so I growl
>sand attack
>"got this ", growl
>sand attack
>growl once more
>sand attack
>done growling, thunder bolt
>sand attack
>miss again
>don't remember how, but I'm paralyzed too
>fully paralyzed
>sand attack
>pp stalled out of thunderbolt, so thunder shock
>lel no
>stupid smug faced bird
>this is her only Pokemon
>pp stalled out of thunder shock
>day 34, supplies are running low, don't have enough potions
>this stupid bird is actually killing me, still haven't damaged it (not that I could after both thunders were gone)
>it's using struggle, but I still have plenty of pp
>I don't know if I'll make it
>hp bars are approaching critical failure
>critical hit
>next hit leaves me at 2, it's probably near that itself
>critical hit
>I fainted
>I sit there, motionless
>slowly, the game boy losses battery life, and shuts off
>find new batteries, start back up like nothing ever happened
>nothing ever happened
and that is why, if a lass ever has a pidgey, I will not hesitate to kill it with extreme prejudice. literally kill it