I don't know how the fuck I got this lucky.
Seriously I found a Tentacool with an old Rod instead of the usual Magikarp.
But that's not all: I used a repel I found on the ground to get down to a deeper floor of the Granite Cave and guess what? Fucking Mawile out of nowhere.
I'm really excited to use her,I've really never got the occasion.
Fake Tears seems like an awesome move,and Intimidate means I can box my Pooch.
So,I have many people in my team,but actually I'll be using out of these only Colonel,Air Man and Meru Meru.
Lime is for pickup,Tentacool is going to be trained up to fight the gym leader and Pooch now is not needed anymore.
I hope that my streak of luck doesn't end now.
Golem is pretty high,but hey,who really cares?
If it works it works.
Also I see that Ledian has the same moveset I and that anon used,hope you have fun with it>>39352167Cool team my boy