>>36685459>>36685459>be me>nobody of my friends even tell me a migration was happening >i go to silph road to sure the Sunkern nest from month before a Kanto was that event>okay>the map still shows he is still there>I go around in house to find loose change around>get $367 total now >I tell my mom i am going to spend night at my friends and that I am spending the night to not worry>I really did not>I take the electric trains because is cheaper than if I did the Uber>i go eventually about 7 hours and 45 minutes from home mostly from trains and a uber or two>fuck it was raining>my luck was perfect because now grass is likely to come out to play>Sunkern is grass>I finally make it over and walk for two hours or more to find it or wait to pop out>he never did>there are many Growlithes here...>it is raining and Growlithes in the rain>What the fuck>I called Jon to ask him wtf and he said there was migration recently and then I come in here>I log onto /vp/>new thread>”nest mugration edition”>I think something’s wrong>I have to call my mom and speak the truth then I did and she yelled at me but said she will call a motel and book a room after she off phone>she book roomAnd here i am in this shit no tv no wifi no pokestop room and worst of all there isn’t no MacDonalds to walk close to to get some food to eat tonight there’s only a god damn Jackin the Box fuck them tacos and their burgers are too greasy!
>>36685469Fuck off i wasn’t banned
>>36685483She didnt care because i walked by the macdonalds motel when i were on phone and tol her specifically that one or one by macdonalds and she backstabbed me. I know she is trying to brake me to move out and tomorrow after i get home I’m going to quit Pokemon Go and sell my account to get money to move out