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why are you so concerned about maintaining your reputation on an anonymous image board? you should feel more confident posting about autistic shit you do/did.
> ITT: we post about autistic shit, pokemon related of course.
I'll start:
> I write fanfiction.
> a LOT of fanfiction
> i know it's shit, so I never post it anywhere, but I find it fun to just write about shit in the pokemon universe.
> realize pokemon is PERFECT for fanfics because of how the story and universe works
> start to take my fanfics more seriously
> I have an entire lore system behind my fanfics now. there's autistic shit like talking pokemon, swords n chosen ones, shipping out the fukin wazoo, scripted battles, oh man it's fucking atrocious.
> i'll never post this shit even if it brought my brother back from the dead. he was a bitch anyway.
> I grow attached to my fanfic. I'm proud of it.
what about you fags?