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Just a reminder that if you play Buzzwole you are literal human garbage. Why do I have to spend 8 fucking tickets only to get completely stomped on by some shitter who uses Buzzwole as a crutch? I'm so fucking done. Nothing beats it. I'm entering the tournaments to make a Necrozma deck that SPECIFICALLY gets rid of Buzzwole. But I guess it doesn't matter, since this fucker can just guzma float stone and it magically changes the definition of "Cannot attack next turn." Why is it like this? It's the next turn. You're still attacking. There is no god damn reason he should be able to do this. IT SAYS YOU CANNOT ATTACK NEXT TURN AND YOU ARE FUCKING ATTACKING NEXT TURN. HOPE YOU DIDN'T HAVE ANY BENCH POKEMON YOU WANTED BECAUSE WITH WEAKNESS THIS FUCKER WILL HIT 160 WITH ONE FUCKING ENERGY
You know, his pokemon is really symbolic of who he is. He's a fucking mosquito. Everything about Buzzwole decks is so overpowered it ruins the rest of the game. If it was eradicated off of the face of the earth right now, I would not complain.
If you play Buzzwole, FUCK YOU.