Daily reminder that a lot of people have signed up for the tournament. Daily reminder that
half are gonna drop out from inactivity. :^)>>18959525>TsundeYang>>18959529Crobat is good as two things. One is a semi-bulky, very fast support Pokémon. It can come in on most defensive Pokémon and Taunt + Super Fang them so other members of the team can sweep easier later in battle. Throw in a never missing Toxic (Th-Thanks Gen 6), Brave Bird, the Defog buff, the Infiltrator buff (Those Toxics now go through Substitutes), and the ability to keep up momentum with U-Turn and you have got yourself a very good support Pokémon.
The other option is a Choice Band set with Brave Bird, Cross Poison, U-Turn, and Super Fang/Defog. It keeps up offensive pressure on opposing teams with U-Turn, decent attack, and super sanic speed. It also can come in freely on most Fighting types and threaten then out with Brave Bird thanks to that double resistance. :^)Nasty Plot a shit.