>>35780764it’s not the same with many Pokemon, and with a world so dependant on Pokemon, unless there was a dominent religion expressly stating not to fuck em, they’d be fucked regularly.
>first a tier list of what can handle it based on physiology, ruling out tiny, excessively large, wild, dangerous, non sentient, or otherwise incompatible Pokemon>those that are determined fuckable are put into classifications of level of skill required for sex, with stuff like Lopunny being a small course easy certification, but something like a Dewgong (drowning risk) or Ditto requiring a more intense exam (can Ditto be impregnated by/impregnate humans?)>required inital assessment for intamacy capability, to determine if the Pokemon is deemed comfortable enough with you personally, and exudes intimacy towards you, the Pokemon is personally certified and put in a database>you can now fuck the Pokemon, you are required to followup at one week after initial contact for assessment, than every three months for check-up. After a year this is extended to six months.illegal Pokefucking would be rampant, but suspected abuse can be reported and if proven legitimate can revoke your trainers license and even cause jailtime.