Sir, I'm nearing the late middle part of the postgame, please give me my fucking masks.
>>56118173I don't remember Erick having a Mega for the longest time even on intense, I think he was given one rather recently, I always recall Flora having a Mega Venusaur. I remember back in the day how hellish Angie was, she had an Articuno with fucking Snow Cloak and a fucking Mamoswine that just ran through everything, what made it worse was her field.
Rebornlikes always draw you back in, no matter how utterly terrible they are.
>>56118185And it's the most useless legendary of all, yeah the game is fucking with you.
Considering Reborn takes place in a region that's meant to be based on a region neighboring Orre, which was inspired by Arizona, there's a good chance Ame is from Commiefornia, which makes plenty of sense.
>>56118216Zamazenta is cool, Zacian was a mistake.