>>35527973From Route 3 to Mt. Moon, made a few more captures (Spearow, Zubat), and some evolutions (Wash, Nevada). I didn't see myself using Rhodes much so I ended up boxing him before continuing on through the mountain. Ran into some trouble against the second-to-last Rocket grunt's Raticate. In the end, I threw the newly caught Nebraska out to it to chew on while I healed up my team. So with that act of sacrifice done, made it to Cerulean City and I got my Sandshrew along the way! The Rival battle, Nugget Bridge and other route encounters went as well as could be expected, as I met up with Bill for his cruise ticket and caught a much needed Bellsprout. After grinding on her trainers, we fought with Misty and managed a win, even while slightly under-leveled. Sadly, while taking Route 6 down to Vermilion City, that same damn Bug Catcher and his monster Butterfree fucked me over, taking out Nevada with a critical Confusion. If this happens again when I get to Yellow...
I've noticed that Wash has been having trouble pulling his weight - his few water attacks aren't as damaging as I would like, and he isn't that much better at defense either. I'd hate to box my starter, but if a better water type comes around, well... we'll see.