>>56229627Whitney's team:
Jigglypuff L26 (Gold Berry): Rollout, Defense Curl, Sing, Dazzling Gleam
Snubbull L26 (Pink Bow): Bite, Play Rough, Charm, Thunder Wave
Clefairy L26 (Gold Berry): Softboiled, Minimize, Moonblast, Metronome
Miltank L29 (Hard Stone): Rollout, Attract, Body Slam, Milk Drink
Item Stock: Full Restore x1, X Defend x1Once again, Lettuce's Reflect really came in clutch. It takes Whitney a little while to stop crying, but eventually she hands over the Plainbadge and TM04 (Body Slam). Now we can use Strength and control Pokémon up to L35. Here are our four candidates for the third permanent team slot:
Disappoint (Elekid) L20: Spark, Dizzy Punch, Karate Chop, Meditate
Charmander (Magby) L24: Ember, Feint Attack, Karate Chop, Fire Spin
Bulbasaur (Ivysaur) L24: Razor Leaf, Headbutt, PoisonPowder, Leech Seed
Neckpain (Girafarig) L25: Stomp, Confusion, Double Kick, Agility