Just gonna throw my two cents out here.
Deoxys-Speed is just bullshit because you don't know what set it's going to have. Many are offensive and will cause you to switch to a weak, defensive wall to deal with it, only to find out it's a support Deoxys and takes the opportunity to spam hazards or screens. Same goes the other way - sending in something to deal with support only to get assraped by offensive.
>but Anon everyone just runs offensivehttp://sim.smogon.com:8080/Stats/2014-04/moveset/ou.txt33% of Deoxys-S run Life Orb, 30% run Focus Sash, and 16% run Light Clay.
As for Deoxys-D I can't say much because I have never used on and don't fight them much, but being guaranteed to set up hazards with the insane bulk and Mental Herb (or just outspeeding with a fast Taunt) is pretty bull.
All in all the Deoxys brothers have always been cancer to competitive that somehow slip down into OU while everyone's trying out the new toys and take months to ban.