>>21330016>>21330337Ah, how quaint were those days. Wasn't that nice. Petrel did pride himself on being that DJ. But now those days had been...relatively meh. He'd put a song on the radio because he felt like he was obligated to it. Chainsmoke soon flooded the room along with the overwhelming feeling of curelty. It was your two favorite 'yin' subjects, Proton and Petrel.
Petrel had been looking fairly distant, Proton looked about the restaurant, hand on his trademark beret. Petrel merely sat down and made himself comfortable. Neither spoke until Proton stopped moving.
"So, this is the place?" Proton said, having an undertone of 'oh man, this feels weird', "Looks... Interesting enough I guess. What's the plan?"
Proton had assigned a few subordinates to take the exec places of both Pet and Pro while Proton was away specifically. They were trustworthy enough he supposed...if not crazy as an inmate party.