I'll start.
>few years ago>was working Nintendo Customer Support at the time>helping new agents with training, one person takes a call while I listen in and give them tips in between calls and on hold>one faithful morning I hear the phone ringing>she answers>"Thank you for calling Nintendo, my name is Vonquesha, can I get your name and email address?">I hear this slurry, nasaly voice answer "jusstiin">I think nothing of it, since I hear this kind of voice daily>he proceeds to give his email>Reshiram*random numbers*@***mail.com>wait a fucking second>I specifically remember her mispelling it as "Reshiran" in our system>tell her to spell it back to him for clarification>sure enough, his profile pops up>big red flag next to his name>"*PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH JUSTIN* try to keep him on topic, if there's nothing you can help him with, please politely end the call">oh my fuck it's him>reality comes back to me as my new agent cluelessly proceeds through the call>"Okay thank you. And what can I help you with today, Justin?"This happened around the time USUM was coming out
>"I wannnaa know whish game hass Reshiram innit">my agent looks at me with a bewildered expression, since she likely wasn't familiar with pokemon>We walk him through which game will have which pokemon in the Ultra Wormhole>proceeds to ask about Moltres>say it's in both games>proceeds to ask about like 3 more pokemon for 10 more minutes before we had to stop>while agent is on hold, tell her to say>"Alright Justin, thank you so much for calling into Nintendo, and be sure to pick up Ultra Sun when it comes out. Have a great day!">mfw just had to deal with JustinRPG