>>46915304>The chest horn of a Gardevoir/Gallade can glow? and why would it glow?We've seen Kirlia's Horn's glow when its channeling psychic power to see the future. I don't see why a Gardevoir's Horn's wouldn't react when using its psychic powers or even its fairy powers. I like the idea that its horns glow in different hues based around its emotional state.
>How would a Gardevoir feel about you trying to fight alongside it?Depends on the Gardevoir. Some would adore fighting side by side you, it could be seen as incredibly brave and respectable to them. For others they would hate it, because your in danger of getting hurt. My OC's Gardevoir loves fighting alongside her human partner, they're both very protective of one another so they fight really hard together. They believe in the whole "If you're getting hurt, I want to be there to take that pain with you whenever I can!"
>Do you ever wonder why Gardevoir has always been the 'top waifu'?Not really.
>How well can a Human synchronize with a Gardevoir/Gallade?Considering Ash did it with a Greninja, probably very well. Hell better than two Pokemon could ever be, maybe.
>Would you consider Gallade as a top tier bro/husbando?Yes.
>Do you have any fears involving the Ralts line?That because Pokemon are free thinkers like humans are, they are capable of great evil just as humans are. And a evil Kirlia, Gardevoir, or Gallade who truly believes what they are doing is just sounds like a massive threat to a city or the world. Future Sight/Precognition, teleportation, and all the crazy elemental powers would be very hard to stop.