>>53982994I'm still a long ways away from my goal though. I've maxed out pretty much all of the non-legendary megas relevant in raids (Primal Groudon is at lvl. 48, so it probably isn't strong enough to solo Nihilego or Heatran in sunny weather, which especially sucks since it took a ton of walking and half my rare candy XL stash to get it to that lvl.), and now I have to build up my reserve of lvl. 50 shadow Pokémon. The only shadow team I have 100% completed is ice, and even then I should arguably want lvl. 50 Shadow Mewtwos with Ice Beam or lvl. 50 Shadow Weaviles so that I can realistically solo Mega Salamence next winter (outside the basically impossible dragon-only Mega Salamence windy solo that someone did).
Regardless, right now I plan on potentially investing a good chunk of stardust into lvl. 50 Shadow Tyranitars so that I can solo Moltres in partly cloudy weather, because it seems like lvl. 51 Mega Aerodactyl won't be enough. I'm prepared to duo as many as I can find with my alt., but I've only saved 11 free raid passes on that one and I'm doubtful that I'll be able to set up a raid group online consistently unless one of the raid Discords really wants Moltres invitations.