>>43949899That's probably wrong cuz from what i get is that it counts for ALL menus, it doesn't simply specify only item menus, which if the case, means there's literal 1 second of delay each and every single time when doing literally anything within a game that was accidently beaten in 8 hours, and since this game is rather text dump heavy, it means easily over 40 times of opening menus being very generous, and that shit adds up man.
>>43949373Anon, it literally got beat on accident in about 8 hours, every single bit of "content" that "extends" your playthrough is completely optional and most of the actual game is literally reading text dumps and watching characters do barely impressive animations since it's not even the actual pokemon moving like that. Most people who actively spent over 20 hours playing the game have done nothing but raids or randomly catch them all before even REACHING nessa's city, i have countless images proving that too. Are you really gonna tell us the completely optional "for fun" max raids are actually vital to a playthrough?
>>43949926What in the actual fuck did i just read, holy shit kid, please learn human language