Welcome to showderp. You seem cool since you're on the internet at night. I'll let you in.
See, we give this guy named...let's say, "champ", 6 suggested pokemon, ranging from specs weedle to banded wurmple. Then he goes around the OU ladder and battles everyone in a cool way and sometimes loses in a not so cool way. But it's fine, because, y'know, only nerds take this game seriously. You're not a nerd, are you?
Once living the cool life is too much for him, champ calls for a new champ. The fastest person with a trip to call new champ gets champ, and the cycle repeats.
>Blasts from the pasthttp://pastebin.com/0bYpM0at http://memebasemon.com/>Cool arthttp://booru.showderp.com/>Dope beatshttps://plug.dj/showderp-1>Cool guy wearing cool shadesNyaNekoSugar !Girl6WbLy2
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