>>44897197>>44899359League Time, finally.
Vs Hala
>HariyamaIt Fakes Out Molly, but she ignores the flinch and Quiver Dances. After that, she proceeds to Dazzling Gleam Hariyama into oblivion.
>Everyone elseThey all fall to a Dazzling Gleam each.
Vs Olivia
>RelicanthIt Yawns at Cervantes, who oneshots it with Power Whip.
>Lycanroc-MidnightI send Maggie in on a Crunch.
It uses Continental Crush, and Maggie(Leftovers) Bulks Up in return.
A Stone Edge follows this, and so does another Bulk Up.
A second Stone Edge is met with Play Rough, sending Lycanroc into the red.
Two turns of Full Restores and Play Roughs follow.
Finally Lycanroc fires off another Stone Edge, and falls to Play Rough.
>CarbinkIt sets up Reflect before getting hit with Play Rough.
It fires off a Moonblast as Maggie Bulks Up.
A second Moonblast is met with a Play Rough that leaves Carbink with a mere sliver of health.
A final Moonblast doesn't save it, and it falls to Play Rough.
>ProbopassI send Blade in on Power Gem, and Reflect fades.
Blade does a Swords Dance and gets hit with Earth Power.
A Bulldoze takes Probopass down to Sturdy, and it uses Sandstorm.
Another Bulldoze takes it out.
>Alolan GolemA Bulldoze Crit takes it down to Sturdy, and Sand Veil causes a Steamroller miss.
A final Bulldoze end the battle.