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Man you guys suck at this. Tenative tier list from someone who's just woken up, with some quick explanations.
Amazing defensive type as always
Phenomenal offensive type with useful defensive attributes and great support moves
Broken match-up spread, only held back by 90% of fairies sucking
Very strong all around type, but not completely busted in any one way.
Phenomenal offensive type with a useful immunity
Great moves in knock-off and sucker punch, but has been nerfed a bit by the loss of pursuit, hates that everything carries Body Press now.
Immunities are fantastic especially with everything knowing Body Press now, great offensive match-ups only hindered by lack of good Ghost moves, good support moves, still doesn't appreciate how universal knock off still is.
Still hurt heavily by fairy existing, but at least it has useful resistances, great set-up moves, and Outrage/Draco Meteor are still fantastic moves
Decent overall but hurt heavily by lack of good high bp moves.
Useful resists, strong moves, but hurt heavily by bad weaknesses.
Great utility moves, useful resists, but exploitable weaknesses
Kills fairies
Strong moves that hit key types like Steel and Dark, but not fantastic defensively and has fallen into an ice situations where you'd rather have a non-fighting mon carrying fighting coverage than use a fighting mon.
Mediocre offensively and defensively, but at least generally has interesting abilities.
Very strong offensively despite lack of good high bp moves, absolutely awful defensively. Aurora Veil is fun at least.
Bad offensively, mixed bag defensively, can be great when paired with certain types, and can have access to some busted as fuck moves like QD.
No offensive niche, no defensive niche, needs something busted like ES, Huge Power, or bloated stats to work.
Strong offense, but generally bad stats and poor defensively.