>>50183763>Alain GOAT battles: 0>Paul GOAT battles: 1This kills the Alain fag. No matter what you do, what you say, what copium you inject, you know it to be true. Paul brought us to the absolute peak of battling. What did Alain do? You used a Charizard shillmon from daddy nintendo to beat Ash and become resented by the community.
>BBBUUTT HE WONShit battle, don't care.
>BBBUUTT PAUL LOSTYes, Paul did lose in the most kino battle of all time and complete the best character arc of all time in the anime between him and Ash.
>BUT MUH CHARIZARD! MUH LIZARDON!Yeah that's nice fag, go burasto bann in a gen1 thread.