The scene with Iris' village matriarch explaining what an "adult" is and her definition capturing Ash kind of lays out the crux of why Iris keeps calling Ash a kid. She wants to be an adult, but sees Ash achieving those adult-like qualities, so she follows him around to emulate him. She's projecting her insecurities about her own lack of a bond with Excadrill and possibly Axew onto him. It's a good character flaw and a bit more subtle than I'd have expected. Ash has a "maturity" with Pokemon that Iris does not. Of course, I say this, but the episode ends with him realizing that he and Pikachu can fight each other, so he intentionally takes a Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle. Probably the second stupidest thing he's done, the first being acting like an actual monkey in class to the point where Lillie had to be racist to get him to stop.
>>54183312You compared XY to AG before in that it felt structureless compared to BW/DP, and I'd agree, but include that AG spaced out its filler pretty well, and generally had filler that was good or insane enough to be memorable. The only reason I remember the Snorlax episode is because I made a mental joke while watching it that the bitch princess was going to rape Clemont, only for him to show up later in his underwear. Korrina arc is around the corner for you at least, and then the summer camp after that.