>>46231674For reference and teambuilding sake, here is how many of each new Pokemon/form we get for each type:
Normal - 9 (6 families)
Fighting - 10 (6 families)
Flying - 11 (includes 1 unobtainable form)(6 families)
Poison - 15 (14 without 2nd Chimaooze form)(7 families)
Ground - 9 (8 without 2nd Chimaooze form and it includes 1 unobtainable Pokemon)(6 families)
Rock - 10 (includes 1 unobtainable form)(6 families)
Bug - 10 (includes 1 unobtainable form)(27 if you include all Masgot forms and not just one)(6 families)
Ghost - 12 (6 families)
Steel - 11 (includes 2 unobtainable forms)(8 families)
Fire - 19 (includes 1 unobtainable form)(9 families)
Water - 13 (6 families)
Grass - 17 (includes 1 unobtainable form)(8/9 families with Scovile and X Scovile)
Electric - 14 (includes 1 unobtainable form)(10 families)
Psychic - 13 (includes 1 unobtainable form)(9 families)
Ice - 9 (includes 2 unobtainble ones)(7 families)
Dragon - 13 (includes 1 unobtainable form)(6 families)
Dark - 14 (includes 4 unobtainable forms)(10 families, 4 of them are Tapus though)
Fairy - 19 (9 families)
Sound - 20 (17 if you count Bremand as one)(10 families)
I didn't count megas, ??? (Pure Ground), Gorochu (Pure Electric) and Pokemon or forms mentioned in the files only. Also didn't include the Alter versions, pretty sure they're supposed to be cutscene battle only like ???, even in the future. Didn't count Mimikyu, it only has visual differences and its postgame status doesn't help its case (if you disagree, just add one for Ghost and Fairy). Tokakle is counted as one. I added Masgot form to each type other than Bug (if you disagree just subtract one from each type but Bug). I counted Rockapye/Troglolith as one Pokemon because it didn't have any changes outside of asthetics. I think I didn't make any errors, but unsure. Mind you some of these Pokemon lose types and are obtainable only in the Postgame. Also X Mewtwo despite being pure Psychic type has Protean.