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Most memorable battle isn't a happy one per se, but it still sticks to my head to this day.
>make it to Sinnoh's Battle Factory Frontier Brain
>he starts with Cresselia, I start off with Salamence
>he spams Double Team
>Salamence doesnt have Aerial Ace so all of my moves miss
>he spams Psychic until Salamence actually faints
>my other two mons barely attack this thing, they go down easily too
>mfw I lost to a max evasion Cresselia at full HP
It kind of soured my opinion on Cresselia but I keep on reminding myself that I should be hating Double Team instead, especially since I had another battle a few months later where the same thing happened (only that time it was a porygon2 with recover and psybeam which kept on confusing my mons).
Of course, I always make battles as fun as I can. This one battle only made me even more determined to finish the Battle Factory.