>>40149821>TorkoalHis total stats at maximum promos and 5 stars are insanely high, his defenses unmatched. Too bad his moveset is literal shit. He does have a terrible 1-bar attack and a buff to both Def and SPattack built-in, paired with Misty's SPdef buff + Gradual heal he could achieve immortality; but i'm afraid he wont be able to kill anything even at max SPattack before he's overrun.
>GranbullHis total stats at max promos are very bad for the investment required. However he does have a Copy-Buff built in (depends on Opponent's buffs though, like Xatu) and an AoE special and 3-bar damaging physical. Othwerwise i'd stay away from this dog.
>XatuMaster of Auto, he's practically built for the strat of buffing. I'm just concerned about his low HP and no promo-buffing from 3 stars, but otherwise he looks solid to me, and best candidate for my mad quest.
>PinsirHe looks like the only useful one all-around in both coop and single, since he has insane damage output by himself, let alone with buffs. His moveset is great too, with potential INFINITE damage and some heals + speed buffs to boot. He's not my instapick because he gets Impervious only after evolving; i don't know if this is a deal-breaker for my strat or if i should wait 10 fucking turns or hope the opponent doesn't begin the debuffening. A real shame.
>OshawottHis defenses are great, and it requires little to no investment of resources on my part. This is his curse as well though, having the lowest total stats between them all. His moveset doesn't convince me as well, the ATK buff is useless if i make him my main guy, and he basically only has Waterfall as his main damaging move. The speed buff is good, but not enough by its own.
Who do you think whould win the Buff-bowl given these considerations? I'm torn between Xatu, Torkoal and Pinsir (because of the Impervious problem, maybe he could start buffing attack, charing mega-evo and then begin buffing defenses?)