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I guess it is fitting these are the guys that made it to the end.
Aaron was relatively easy. Zor dealt with the Hoenn bugs, Star Brave Birded the Heracross, Reav failed to oneshot the Vespiquen with a 4x move, the usual. Drapion was the only issue after it Ice Fanged Twig in the switch but Pal handled it no problem.
Bertha was frustrating but easy. Reav continued her streak of almost killing stuff with super effective moves by failing to oneshot Quagsire and Whiscash, then Twig Leaf Stormed the rest of her team.
Flint is were shit started to go wrong. Rapidash set up the sun, weakening Pal's Surf. Then Infernape came in and killed it with a crit. Star had no problem finishing the Infernape but Pal was the closest thing to an strategy I had for Cynthia so it was a huge loss. While I was thinking about what to do, Oof was slowly chipping away at the Steelix. Then I weaponized Reav's low damage output to kill the Lopunny while taking minimum damage from Mirror Coat. Lastly, Zor no diff the Drfblim.
Lucian was a bit of a shitshow. Mr Mime set up screens so Twig's Crunches were doing no damage. I ended up stalling it out with star's Fly on Medicham but even without screens, Alakazam and Bronzong were taking no damage and taking them down was pretty much a team effort.
Needless to say, I was terrified of Cynthia.