How would you rank the protagonists according to their powerlevel? Where do you think the gen 8 protagonists will rank?'s my reasoning (and feel free to disagree with it):
>red only became champion. blue (or leaf/green, whatever you want to call her) is his female counterpart, so I assume they have the same powerlevel>therefore the protagonists who defeated red in their respective games (ethan/kris/lyra, nate/rosa, elio/selene, chase/elaine) are stronger than red and blue.>brendan/may, lucas/dawn and hilbert/hilda are above chase/elaine because despite not defeating red, they've dealt with box legendaries before becoming champions and defeated the battle frontier/battle subway>calem/serena were hard to rank. I decided to rank them the same as red/blue because they do not seem to have accomplished much beyond becoming champions>ethan/kris/lyra have a very strong win record. 16 gym badges + battle frontier + defeating red >elio/selene also have a very strong win record with the battle tree + rainbow rocket episode>nate/rosa seem to have the strongest win record in the series due to the pokemon world tournament